Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We're going on Spring break

We are going to Beijing to catch up with our good friends Bruce and Janienne (seen here with us on their recent visit to Japan).

Our English school closes down for 2 1/2 weeks as it is the end of the school year here.

We will start up again on April 8th.

We trust the Easter time is meaningful to you all as you remember that Jesus died so that we don't have to suffer the consequences of our sins. He rose again to show that God the Father is satisified and His work is finished. Simply trust in the finished work of Jesus.
That's the Easter message - whatever part of the world you live in.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring is in the Air

How else can I explain Warren's being on a motor bike! with the wind blowing through his hair. Well, last weekend we drove to a town north of Nagoya to respond to an invitation to preach at an independent church. Warren has had the privilege of teaching three young men from there each week for a 3 hour class. Now it was their turn to be the interpreter for their mentor. They did an excellent job. This kawasaki belongs to one of these young men and they insisted Warren at least sit on it!

This is Yachio, a regular student of ours. She was so proud of herself calling us on our mobile to tell us she couldn't come to class. It was her first phone call in English. What an accomplishment!

For some unknown reason to me, the school year in Japan finishes as the end of March. In fact, the 1st April signals the time for people to change jobs and start new ventures. Schools and universities begin their studies in April.
So... we have a short break coming up. It coincides with Easter and we are off to Beijing to visit with Bruce and Janienne once more. We were there in 2006.

Getting our visas did cause some concern as our passports state that our purpose of being in Japan is for 'religious activities'! The Chinese embassy asked us to write a signed letter to state that we would not carry on any such activities while in China. We explained that we are English teachers who work in a church and are simply going on vacation. It is a reminder to us of the restrictions in some countries. We are glad that Japan is open to people coming to do church work.

We have been busy with our usual class activities, preaching schedule and Saturday morning club activities. Some of the students are graduating - from kindergarten, from Junior High, from High School.


Takuma - a kindergarten graduate!

This coming Thursday 15 people are going on 'homestay' to Columbia, South Carolina for 16 days. Some are from our English classes, some are believers and some are not. They will have English classese and Bible study each day as well as sight-seeing activities. They are all very excited. I'm not sure how much English of the 'southern' American accent they will actually understand!